Street/Impromptu Hypnosis Workshop March 25 & 26, 2017

Chris Barry is offering this exciting workshop at a discounted rate to help the HSA in our 50th Anniversary Membership Drive, as well as an early bird discount that expires February 25th.


The purpose of this workshop is to teach the basic framework for impromptu hypnosis. This can be used for street performances or just to be able to give basic demonstrations with whoever is interested when you mention you’re a hypnotist in random conversation. This will be excellent for:

  • anyone with street performance experience who wishes to add hypnosis to their repertoire
  • anyone who is a practicing clinical hypnotist who wants to be able to do basic demonstrations for people in a casual setting
  • anyone who wants to know how this whole “street hypnosis” thing works.

This workshop is 2 full days and focuses on practicing a basic framework for impromptu hypnosis demonstrations from start to finish.

Topics Covered:

  • approaches
  • building rapport quickly
  • set pieces
  • drilling different inductions
  • handling unexpected situations or responses
  • safety
  • personalizing your routine
  • subject selection
  • hypnosis theory
  • and lots and lots of practice. 


Early bird price: $250 ($200 for HSA members)

After Feb 25th: $300 ($250 for HSA members)


For more information or to register, please go to the Alberta Hypnosis Society of Alberta